your story is worth being told

enter the 2024 roam storytelling competition

Watch the video on this page to gain a better understanding of WHY you should do this for yourself! But you could also win:

  1. A guaranteed elopement in either Norway, Ireland, or Glacier National Park in the next year
  2. A ticket to the 3 day ROAM Retreat in Oregon
  3. Access to a module of your choosing within the ROAM educational program


  1. Complete this form
  2. Comment another filmmaker back on the original Instagram post that might also be interested in this competition
  3. Share the Instagram post to your story and follow @roamacademy
  4. Create a 2-6 minute film about yourself, your life, or about your relationship with something or someone around you.
  5. Post your film to your Instagram no later than March 12th using hashtag #roamstorycontest and tagging @roamacademy

Want to know more about this competition? I built a webpage explaining everything for you, which you can find by clicking here.

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